Innovative Development

Al-Qahtani Building-2
1st Floor, Dhahran Street
Post.Box.No:7235, Dammam-32243
Saudi Arabia.



Nearly all industries are targeted for thermal insulation work provided that the affected equipment is of the thermal energy consuming type. Thermal insulation work is conducted to maintain specified temperatures, protect the environment and prevent disasters, and for energy savings. We set up various design conditions according to purpose, such as a reduction in heat loss, determination of economical insulation thickness, temperature drop control, and restrictions on insulation surface temperature.

Our approach to refurbishment and protection avoids the need for replacement, reducing repair and maintenance costs, and above all, downtime. Especially, protective pipeline coatings that can be applied by hand or spray method.

Our products Excellent in lightweight properties, mechanical strength, thermal insulation performance and product stability, is used across a wide variety of fields as a primary hot insulation material ranging from normal temperature to high temperature zones (1000°C). In addition, we offer a diverse line-up of products, designed for rust prevention of heat-insulated objects and developed for society with energy saving and resource-recycling in mind. Differences in characteristics lead to energy and resource savings, bringing about considerable economic effect.

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